Bringing you some Christmas cheer... two of the three (soon to be four) hooligans. Put your hands together for: Hunter & Bailey!!! *This one's for you Grandma! ;)
Merry Christmas!
And what's even better is that for the 2nd time in our 5 1/2 years of marriage I was actually able to surprise Brandon! (A combination of him being nosy and be being a lousy liar I guess..) Enjoy the slide show - hopefully it brings you at least a fraction of the happiness it brought us! ;) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Why is it that children never want to perform when the camera is on? I mean, don't they realize we NEED these precious moments in our permanent databases?! My mind can only remember so much on its own!
Well, here's proof to all my distant, more than 24 hrs drive away, family (that's pretty much everyone these days) that Landon is in fact walking! He was happy until he realized with every step forward he took, I took one back... what kind of sick game is this mom?! *You (or at least your wife), will thank me for it someday bud. ;)
Take two.. BRIBERY! And although he isn't completely thrilled that the game isn't yet over, he at least finishes his part of it. Good job Landon!!! :)
*Truth be told, he took his first steps in November, but he is still more than content to get around by speed-crawling! It's about a 50/50 mix as of yet.
Seeing Angels
Sugar High
Bailey and Hunter were quite the little helpers today, never leaving my side. Of course I'd like to think it's because they love me, but maybe it had a small something to do with the free reign of goodies that came along with the job - don't judge, it's Christmas!! ;)
Parents on Ice
It's a...
Nick Jr.. this one's for you!!!
The Big Cheese
3 Cheers and a pink sparkly doughnut!
Okay, bare with me for a mommy minute.. :) Bailey has had 6, 30-minute skating lessons now and I am SOOO proud of her! They split the class into two groups, the one's that need a little extra help, and the ones that are stable enough to get more advanced instructions. Today, she was bumped into the advanced group and I could have cried! lol, she is doing so good.. leaps and bounds already over that 1st lesson just a few short weeks ago!!! After her lesson, we went out to celebrate and she picked out doughnuts - a pink "sparkly" one for her, and a blue sprinkled one for Hunter of course! :) GO BAILEY!!! :)
Spicer Orchards
As if that wasn't enough we then had hot dougnuts and freshly made cider.. no words.. :) They also had a HUGE play area which the kids loved as well! Overall, a GREAT day!!!
Pumpkins AND a package!
Color Me BROWN
Call me baised, but my word these kids are cute!!! ;)
Ice Princess
Bailey started taking ice skating lessons! It is SO fun to see her learn from someone other than me - every once in a while it's nice to just be the cheerleader! ;) I've got to give it to her... she's pretty darn tough! :) Here's a video of her last session (not bad for her 3rd time on the ice!). I love how every time she notices me she stops and looks shyly down.. as if I believe she's shy!! ;P
Going Digital
Road Trip
Weight Limit
I probably shouldn't be complaining. I mean, it could have been MUCH worse in many respects... the shelves could have fallen when someone was in the laundry room, certain to bury them in the debree. The paint could have been a less neutral tone (I'm thinking anything that is incorporated in my preschool rooms!). Heck, there could have been a REAL robber in my house causing all the loud ruckus that caused my heart to skip a few. That last one is debatable though, as it may have been easier to talk a robber out of our home than to clean up this fun and very unexpected event of my afternoon!:P
EXHIBIT A: This is the space on my wall where the shelves SHOULD be.
Pack it up