When breaking an addiction, you hear two terms used frequently, "cold turkey" and, (thanks to "What About Bob") "baby steps". I have always been a "cold turkey" kind of gal.. I'm either in or I'm out, seldom in between. So it seemed only logical that I resorted to locking my bedroom door this evening to get my children to sleep in their OWN rooms! They have beautiful beds.. quite comfortable if I may say so myself. So call me crazy, but I just don't see why they prefer mine and Brandon's floor over their kooshy mattresses?! Granted, they would prefer our bed, but with my rapidly expanding mid-section, we are a little tight on room.. and any parent of more than one knows you can't invite one without the other(s)!
After tucking the kids in (who were quite unhappy with the whole prospect of being in their own rooms), I headed downstairs to clean house while awaiting the glorious silence that accompanies a bedtime victory. The silence came, and I tiptoed upstairs to kiss my darling children goodnight one last time. They did SO well.. or so I thought...

For those unfamiliar to the layout of my home, these are my sweet children, fast asleep in the hallway.. right outside my bedroom door. Apparently, my kids are more into the "baby steps" technique! ;)