Brandon had been out of town all week on business, and was coming home that evening, and not a moment too soon! I called him afterwards, emotional, and asked him when he'd be home. "Another hour".. :( So, I opted to go to Target with the kids to pass the time more quickly and keep me from having my 6 week cry. FINALLY, it was time to load everyone up and go home to get a much needed hug from Brandon.
The kids started shuffling into the car, and Bailey yells, "Mom! Our seat belts!" What?! Sure enough, I looked into the car and both Bailey and Hunter's booster seats were gone! ..first things first, I SWEAR I locked the car! And second, whoever swiped them must not have kids, because they would have known that Landon's Alpha Omega Elite costs at least 4 times as much as Bailey and Hunter's booster chairs! Maybe they are going to sell them on craigslist.. how desperate is this world getting? Oh man.. Brandon's going to kill me! How could I have forgotten to lock the... and that's when I saw them: 2 dozen of the most stunning roses I've ever seen, right smack on my front seat! It was pouring rain outside, and in my rush to get everyone in the car, I didn't notice my adorable hubby hiding in his car, parked right behind mine.
TODAY, that wonderful husband blessed Peyton in church. It was a beautiful blessing, for a beautiful daughter! One of those "mommy payday" days.. complete with a home made photo shoot afterwards (the morning session, trying to get a family shot, was a bit crazy)!