2015 came. 2015 went. Did I write one single thing? No I did not. Why you ask? Because I was playing catch up all year from 2014! This threatened to become the new trend - but writing about events that occurred an entire year ago makes me want to throw my hands up and quit, while inhaling chocolate and shedding tears of endless woe! SO, 2015, you were awesome, but we are moving on, starting from scratch, and breaking exhausting habits!
We rang in the new year in Southern California with my entire family, in celebration of my dad turning the big 6-0!!
Apparently Mickey turned 60 too, so to be fair, we
had to go to Disneyland (such an obligation, I know!)..
We visited our old stomping grounds - the house, the church, the school, the parks, and our favorite beach - I didn't realize how sappy I would get watching my kids make memories in the same places that I had. It was such a special time!

You see those there? Raw images. No editing. Just the HERE, and the NOW. Simple. All those who have raised kids, or are raising kids, can appreciate the value of simplifying a bit. It's never been my strong suit (hence the year behind phase), but this year, I'm determine it will be! I want to capture these moments and hold onto them before their memories fade away from my increasingly fragile mind. Sometimes I sit back in sheer awe and wonder that I have these six beautiful little people that look to me for, well, everything! How quickly that happened! And in that knowledge, how quickly I understand my turn will be over and passed onto them.. I can't bare the thought of losing even one moment. So 2016, meet simplify. The two of you are going to become dear friends!
Those super poised photos we all send out at the end of the year of our kids all dressed to impress, hair combed and shoes on? It's a facade. Aka IT'S NOT REAL. Ask my neighbors, they'll tell you the truth - my kids NEVER have shoes on! Heck, if they all have pants on I'm patting myself on the back - it's a good day! And do you have any idea how many pictures we had to take to get THIS shot?! And even it has a "head swap" because someone kept sticking their tongue out at the camera. Hmmm
But I won't name names beacuse that would be tacky..
So why the crazy rant you ask? Because before anyone mistakenly calls me "super mom", "Martha Stuart" or the like, they need to know the truth. The truth is, I HATE laundry. And bathrooms. And microwaves. My house, while I prefer it to be clean, is more often a mess. There are hand prints on my walls, and I'm pretty sure someone chucked a grape at the ceiling, just to watch it splat. I've had half a dozen people come to my house and give me their service card to weed my sorry excuse for a yard. In the past month. While I like to think that I have a LOT of patience, it's not never ending, and I do reach my breaking point. And when I do, it isn't always graceful.
Real. It's a word that I have come to adore. A word that I now take as a sincere compliment. Who likes someone who's fake anyways?? I've heard it more and more often as I strive to stop looking perfect, talking perfect, pretending perfect. Because you know what? NO ONE is. But that's the beauty of it! The miracle is that I can find incomprehensible joy in this crazy and imperfect life of mine, without the pressures of living up to an unattainable expectation that we place, only on ourselves! Besides, the only ones who's opinion REALLY matters as to whether or not I deserve to be called "super mom" is my kids. So I'll be taking my cues from them. ;)
I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to another wonderful, beautiful, and imperfect year! Bring it 2016! xoxo