I remember when Bailey was born, I did everything I could to be "that" mom... burped her every ounce on the dot, took a picture of every "first" moment, sanitized pacifiers, and provided three 15minute increments of "tummy time" daily. Being a "3rd" child myself, I swore I would bless ALL my children with that same vigor and discipline in daily routine. Now, imagine my dismay when I took Landon to his 2 month check up (2 weeks late mind you) and sheepishly answered "oops" when asked how he was doing with his precious "tummy time"!... yeah... Well, destined to not have poor Landon now be behind his older siblings on the lifting your head up without aid schedule, we attempted his first "tummy time" right when we arrived home. That's when I realized, I love him SO much, I'd rather him be a little slow to develop and ALIVE, then risk his life on the floor again... comfy?!
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