

It's true, I AM alive!!  I have compiled a list of excuses, just to help make myself feel better..

Let's see, how to begin??
Temporary housing for 2.5 weeks in Brazil?  Check!
A VERY hard and emotional goodbye to all of our awesome friends in Sao Paulo?  Check!
Yet another month in temporary housing in Fort Worth Texas?  Check!
Survive crazy tornado warnings while praying harder than I ever knew I could?  Check!
Close on a house in the middle of nowhere?  Check!
Move into the house in the middle of nowhere?  Check!
Sleep on the floor o the house in the middle of nowhere?  ..still in progress..
Host my mother and out of state sister in law at our house for the weekend for a baptism?  Check!
Keep busy with the re-launch of www.baileysblossoms.com ?  ..still in progress..
Relaunch Bailey's Blossoms on Etsy until the website is completed?  Check it out - it's a work in progress.. :)  https://www.etsy.com/shop/baileysblossoms
Sleep at my sweet sister in laws house for 4 nights while my kitchen cabinets are repainted?  Check!
Tape off the kitchen for 2 weeks because it needs to "cure"?  ..still in progress.. :(
Paint the girls room?  Check!
Paint Sir L's room?  Check!
Paint Handsome H's room, read my monthly book, try new recipes and remember to post them on my blog?  ..good heavens, who do you think I am, super woman?!

Alas, I DO have many a plan to update all you cyber folk - including a post featuring:
Princess P's 3rd Birthday (it was in April.. yikes!)
Our new abode
& Texas culture shock

So PLEASE, stay tuned, don't fret, and know that the Hooley's are alive and oh so very well.  BUSY, but well! :D


  1. Wow! You have lots of reasons not to have an updated blog. It has motivated me to get busy on mine because I have no reason not to.

    1. Thanks for making me feel better ;) Slowly but surely we'll all get there I guess!! :D

  2. Oh, Liz, how I love you!! Can't wait for our trip to Texas in August!!! Lots of hugs and kisses to the kiddos!!! :0)
